ALL entries must be submitted through the registration portal
Register, submit and pay for entries online
Please note that many categories may require a combination of formats i.e. engineering video with PDF journal
Formats accepted:
- PDF/Word document
Appropriate for:
- Science Investigations
- Mathematical Investigations
- Journals for most categories (you could include photos/scan of the journal if handwritten)
- 3-5min video (max file size 1G, format .mp4 .avi or .mov) –
All video should be clearly audible and easy to watch. The film technique will not be judged, however judges need to gain an understanding of your project.
Don’t forget your journal – you could include photos/scan of the journal if handwritten.
Appropriate for:
- Engineering and technology projects (note the video is a requirement of this category)
- Communicating Science
- Environmental Action Projects
- Mathematical Investigations
Don’t forget your journal – you could include photos/scan of the journal if handwritten.
Appropriate for:
- Communicating Science
- Environmental Action Projects
- Photos
Don’t forget your journal – you could include photos/scan of the journal if handwritten.
Appropriate for:
- Classified collections
- Poster Presentations
- Communicating Science
- Environmental Action Projects
- Mathematical Investigations
Notification of Winning Entries
Teachers of students with winning entries will be notified by email. The students & their families will be invited to attend the presentation of awards on a Saturday, usually between 12 & 2pm two weeks after the judging day.
Return to the Science Contest main page.