Over $10,000 worth of prizes available!
2025 Queensland Science Contest
Engage your students with inquiry through STEM investigations and projects
When students engage inquiry they are building and acting on their curiosity about the world and how it works. It helps them form lasting connections with learning and develops skills in critical and creative thinking, literacy and numeracy. Their disposition to STEM blooms as they engage in the rapidly changing word, pose ethical questions and see the value of science. Seeing a project through from start to finish encourages student agency as they take responsibility for their learning.
The Queensland Science Contest is an opportunity for Queensland students from Prep to Grade 12 to have their scientific work judged for awards and prizes.
To enter:
- Read the Handbook (we are currently working on the 2025 version) then choose a contest category and complete your project.
- Submit online entries and pay 2025 registration platform will open in term 2
Please note that many categories require a combination of formats i.e. engineering video with journal but all entries require an age appropriate journal. - Judging takes place from 8th September 2025
- Winning entrants will be contacted through the teacher whom submitted the entry. This email will also include information about the date and format of the awards ceremony. All prize money is paid to the school.
- The Awards Ceremony will be held in Term 4.
- Some winning projects are selected to enter the National Science Competition.
New Contest Handbook will be available soon,
the 2024 version is listed here as a guide
Principal Sponsor
Major Sponsors
Bursary Sponsors some with bursary information links (hover over logo)
This category is sponsored by QAMT & the prizes are awarded & judged by QAMT representatives
Remember winning entries are submitted to the Maths National Talent Quest on behalf/by QAMT.
Birdlife Southern Queensland are awarding two bursaries this year: “The best two Bird related projects will be awarded a $200.00 bursary each. One in primary level and the other in secondary school level.”
All bird related entries in the Communication Science, Environmental Activities and Scientific Investigations categories will be considered eligible for these awards. Entries will be judged on how well they meet the criteria outlined in these categories.
Please note: Birdlife Southern Queensland are happy to be contacted regarding suitable avenues of investigation, and can help with data provision if working on existing data sets is of interest.
The UQ School of the Environment
The School of the Environment (UQ) is sponsoring prizes for the best Yr 7 to Yr 12 entomology ($250) and marine biology ($250) project submitted to the Queensland Science Contest!
For ideas watch the following video
The Mergard Medal is an encouragement award that recognises curiosity, purpose and an authentic attempt to understand and explain a scientific phenomenon. It is named in honour of Jackie Mergard in recognition of 25 years of service as director of the QSC.
ESQ’s Council are sponsoring a bursary prize of $250 (could be split over numerous projects)
Conditions: Entomological-related projects (projects on terrestrial arthropods will also be accepted).
Submission grades: Grades 5-9
Request that the winner allow for their project (or summary) to be published in an issue of the ESQ’s News Bulletin with a photograph of the winner.